My first trip to document family life during Coronavirus pandemic took place on the streets of Shayler Park in Batavia, a sprawling suburb so big it’s split between two school districts. Residents took socially distanced walks and enjoyed the sunlight on probably the first fully sunny day in weeks while I struggled with the harsh light pouring into my camera.

My first Facebook post and summary of the project was well received. It was even featured on Fox 19 hours after I posted the pictures.

Although this project was inspired by the #frontporchproject sweeping across social media, it is much different. Like all Beechmont Stories, this project is story-based.  Pictures alone are fun, but when we connect stories to the pictures, we really start to understand what is happening around us, and that is something history will look favorably upon.

The Conley Family

We are the Conleys – Justin, Leah, Kalace, Zoe, and Aletheia. We had barely changed out of our “Roaring 20s” party attire before the 2020s stopped roaring. I think most of us entered the new year anticipating what great things this new decade would bring. We could not have envisioned these great things coming through loss. Though we haven’t lost anyone or anything personally, our hearts ache for those who have. We have lost precious time with friends and family though. We have also gained a better sense of community, a greater gratitude for the provisions and comforts we have, and a deeper love for God, who will see this through in His way, in His timing, and for His glory. – Leah Conley, March 25, 2020

The Niehaus Family

(Left to right) Kaitlyn (2), Sarah, Kylie (9), Dave, Cooper (5).

We have been doing our best to keep busy with art projects, outdoor activities, movies,
cooking/baking, and homeschooling during this pandemic. – Sarah Niehaus, March 25, 2020

The Robinson Family

The Robinson Rockband. On the piano, Iris (6), drums, Egypt (niece, age 5), vocals Curtis, Ivy (2), and Irene.

To stay occupied we have been spending a lot of time in the yard playing, playing games and using tablets. We also have movie days as a family.

We have definitely spent a lot more time together, although Mommy’s has worked from home since 2016 so she’s still busy during the day 

Next week we will be implementing some fun traditions for each day, like Taco Tuesday and Wacky Wednesday to add some more fun to our days. – Irene Robinson, March 25, 2020.

The Crutcher Family

Cheryl, Sophia (12), Kelton (7), Kevin

This time of the year we are usually busy with softball and baseball. Now we are taking advantage of the time we usually don’t have because of sports. Lots of games, movies and eating at the dinner table together. My husband, Kevin, still has to go to work so I’m home with the kids making sure school work gets done, practicing ball when we can, keeping them off electronics as much as possible and me trying to get my daily workouts in. We’re making it all work and hope we can get back to normal soon! – Cheryl Crutcher, March 25, 2020.

The Anderson Family

Casey and Jason with Juliette (4), Caterina (7).

Life hasn’t changed too drastically for us. We both worked from home several days a week prior to this, so that was an easy transition for us. Having the kids at home has been….mostly fine to put it nicely. Some days are more frustrating than others, but we make it work! We’ve made a couple grocery runs for Jason’s parents to limit the time they are out in public, and we’ve been trying to get outside as much as possible to keep the kids active during all the downtime. We try to keep the kids busy with crafts and schoolwork, too. It is hard to hear the kids say they miss seeing their friends and family, and unfortunately Casey’s mom in Florida had to cancel a planned trip up here due to the situation. Being able to Facetime has been a great way to stay in touch. Even still, the blessing in disguise is that it has been a very valuable teaching lesson for the kids: Cherish the time you have with your loved ones; don’t take any day of your life for granted. And perhaps most importantly – for some weird reason – make sure you have plenty of toilet paper. You never know when you won’t be able to find any. And for the adults if you’re so inclined, having a drink definitely helps. -The Anderson Family, March 25, 2020.

The Russo Family

(Left to right) Seth, Zoey (7), Maddie (12), Erica.

Seth is still working but as of next week should be home. I already work from home, so no changes there other than the kids are now home 100% of the time and I am helping with their school/teaching. Both girls are missing their friends like crazy along with everyday normalcy! We miss volleyball now that the club season has been canceled! We have been hanging out more as a family, cooking together, taking walks, doing art projects, playing a lot of games, and have had a few dance parties! Due to the stay at home order we have had to cancel our plans to travel to see family in Cleveland, which was hard to cope with as we were looking forward to it! Other than that, we are doing our best to get through this and reminding ourselves how truly blessed we are! Life has slowed down and has caused us to really see what we do have and appreciate those things. – Erica Russo, March 25, 2020.

The Lyttle Family

Bryce (10), Carl and Kelly Lyttle, Little Carl (12) and Evan (7).

We are officially on day 12 of self-quarantine! Typically Carl and I work full-time outside our home on a regular basis, but we are now sharing the dining room table as our office for the time being. We have created a daily schedule for our three boys that includes time for academic focus, outdoors activities, and of course “recess” or free time! We have enjoyed spending time with each other playing games and cooking meals, but our boys absolutely miss going to baseball and basketball practice, and hanging out with their friends.

My husband, Carl was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in May 2018. While we have adjusted to a new lifestyle since his diagnosis, we have also taken greater precautions during the COVID-19 pandemic. While most people were out searching for toilet paper, I was on the hunt for antibacterial hand soap! We may not change out of our pajamas every day but daggone it, we ALWAYS wash our hands!

Like most things in life we try to find a little humor to get us through. We work hard, love hard, and laugh hard. Stay safe friends!

AND WASH YOUR DANG HANDS! – Kelly Lyttle, March 25, 2020.

The Bellamah Family

This is the time of year when we’re supposed to be driving from home to McNick to schools in Dayton or Kentucky going to Varsity baseball games cheering for our senior. We’re just not supposed to be home during baseball season. We are ready for life to go back to normal. – Nancy Bellamah, March 25, 2020.

The Haynes Family

(Left to right) Tyler (15), Cooper (11), and Tammy

Being quarantined with my boys has been nothing other than a gift. God knows what he’s doing. (Not pictured – my better half, Kenny because, thankfully, he is still working). – Tammy Haynes, March 25, 2020

The Plettner Family

(Left to right) Dan, Jonathan (9), Andrew (12), Asher (5), Eileen.

We are a family that is constantly on the go. Running to practices or our children’s games. So this has been quite the adjustment for us. Our yearly tradition, that we always look forward to, is The Reds Opening Day! This would have been our 10th year going. We are all definitely looking forward to the days we can be at the ballpark cheering for our Reds again! – Eileen Plettner, March 25, 2020

The Hertel Family

(From left to right) Nicole, Caroline, Trixie (woof), Kendall.

Being quarantined at home has been interesting. We have played way more Trouble than anyone should ever play. Between board games, legos, cleaning and sanitizing, and school we keep pretty busy. We are super sad that sports have been cancelled but have enjoyed being outside everyday! – Nicole Hertel, March 25, 2020.

The Florko Family

Brian and Kristen with Daisy (woof), Vivian (7), Annabelle (5), Charlotte (4).

In a matter of days I went from being a stay at home mom running kids to dance, gymnastics and swim lessons to homeschooling three children while my husband works from home taking conference calls – trying to keep his new job that he started in November. I am also 35 weeks pregnant. Any plans we had for the delivery of our baby are gone. My doctor did my last appointment over the phone and for the first time I didn’t get to hear the heartbeat. Our support system now consists of each other and coffee.

There is, however, some silver lining to this slower pace of life. We have more family dinners. Our girls have more time to just be kids. My husband lets me sleep in and today the sun was shining.

We are stressed. We are tired. We are worried. We are exhausted. There have been meltdowns, yelling and tears (and not just from our kids). But just like everything else life has thrown our way, we’ll get through this and hopefully come out on the other side stronger and with a greater appreciation for the little things we once took for granted. – Kristen Florko, March 25, 2020.

The Adamson Family

(Left to right) Erik, Lily (4), Emma (11 months), Liam (6), Erin.

Strangely enough, life seems “busier” or maybe more hectic since we have been home. I am a high school chemistry teacher, so putting all of my lessons and materials online has had its challenges alongside balancing my role as a Mom and wife. While balancing my teaching schedule, I am also helping my son complete his Kindergarten work (paper and online). Our daughter Lily, loves to be involved in all of our schoolwork, so I often times have a craft or shapes/colors worksheet for her to work on at the table with her brother. My husband, Erik, works as a pharmacist at Children’s and while he is lucky enough to have been able to work from home a few days here and there, we know that his schedule is likely to become more full with days at the hospital as the number of COVID-19 cases rise. Erik doesn’t work directly with patients, but he does work with many individuals throughout his work day, which is a concern to our family knowing he (and then possibly us) can be exposed to the virus. We take as much caution as we can by washing hands, wiping down surfaces, leaving shoes at the door, etc at home and try not to worry. All of this change has dramatically changed our daily routine. Trying to find our “new routine” to fall into that the kids can get comfortable with has been our goal recently, knowing that kids operate and behave better when there is a normalcy and routine in place. This stay at home order has definitely brought us together as a family. Instead of rushed mornings and a quick breakfast as we run out of the door to school/work for the day, we are able to get a full night’s sleep and then eat breakfast together as a family at the kitchen table. Instead of coming home after school/work and completing homework, sight word review and trying to squeeze in a little bit of fun before bed, we have a LOT of time for fun and outdoor play throughout the day. The kids get a lot more playtime together, as normally they would all be in different spaces during the school day–the two older kids LOVE playing with their little sister and she just adores them. It truly has been a special family time, being able to see the kids play and grow together, it “almost” makes me forget about what is going on outside the home. – Erin Adamson, March 25, 2020.

The Elig Family

Brian, Jenny, Alexander & Matthew Elig with dog Luna.

Alexander and Matthew have been keeping busy doing school work online, practicing basketball and staying connected with friends online. I have created my own YouTube channel for my students so they don’t miss out on their library time. Brian has switched over to working from home until the Coronavirus passes. The stay-at-home order has been a very hard adjustment, but we are enjoying spending time together as a family. – Jenny Elig, March 25, 2020.

The Hall Family

(Left to right) Griffin (12), Alex (14), Stephanie

So far it seems like business as usual for us. I’ve always been able to work from home, but I do sleep in a little more than if I was going to the office. I’m trying to wake the boys up early every day to keep as much of a routine as we can. The boys still spend time on Xbox catching up with their friends, but they also go outside and toss baseballs or play basketball. I’ve only heard “I’m bored” once. They do miss playing sports with their teams, though. I’m afraid their entire soccer season will be cancelled. I’m hopeful, but doubtful. – Stephanie Hall, March 25, 2020

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Brian Vuyancih
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